Here’s a brief outline of our software development system.
Project Kick Off: Poor decisions made early in a project often slow progress and limit future options, putting your investment at risk. Let’s get your project started right. We can recommend the right tech stack and software development best practices that can launch your project into the future!
Project Management: An effective project manager can keep the development process on track. We break the project into several mini-projects and guide our developers every step of the way. Every 2-4 weeks we’ll hold a video call with you to review the work completed and make plans for the next mini-project.
Testing and Review: Testing is a journey which begins after our first meeting when we write your project scope. We write the code, review the code and test, test, test. Every step of the way we test our activities to ensure they’re meeting your goals. We’ll follow up with code review, automated tests and manual tests. When it’s looking good we’ll ask you to perform a final check to ensure everything is completed to your specifications. If you notice any problems we’ll fix them right away.
Feature Release: As each mini-project is completed we’ll roll the combined feature set into a feature release. This get’s you a working app as fast as possible and shows you the value of our work every step along the way.
Project Completion: The truth is software is never complete. It’s built to meet the needs of today but also be adaptable for future needs. Our software will start paying you back from day one and as the days pass we’ll be ready to add new features or modify existing features as needed. We place a high value on a long term relationship with our clients.
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