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Real world find usage

This great resource disappeared from the Internet years ago. I still refer to it often via the wayback machine and have reproduced the data here for easy usage. The original URL was at wagoneers:

real world FIND usage

 sudo find / -type f -name *.jpg  -exec cp {} . \;

find . -type f -size +10000 -exec ls -al {} \;
find . -atime +1 -type f -exec mv {} TMP \; # mv files older then 1 day to dir TMP
find . -name "-F" -exec rm {} \;   # a script error created a file called -F 
find . -exec grep -i "vds admin" {} \;
find . \! -name "*.Z" -exec compress -f {} \;
find . -type f \! -name "*.Z" \! -name ".comment" -print | tee -a /tmp/list
find . -name *.ini
find . -exec chmod 775 {} \;
find . -user xuser1 -exec chown -R user2 {} \;
find . -name ebtcom*
find . -name mkbook
find . -exec grep PW0 {} \;
find . -exec grep -i "pw0" {} \;
find . -atime +6
find . -atime +6 -exec ll | more
find . -atime +6 -exec ll | more \;
find . -atime +6 -exec ll \;
find . -atime +6 -exec ls \;
find . -atime +30 -exec ls \;
find . -atime +30 -exec ls \; | wc -l
find . -name auth*
find . -exec grep -i plotme10 {};
find . -exec grep -i plotme10 {} \;
find . -ls -exec grep 'PLOT_FORMAT 22' {} \;
find . -print -exec grep 'PLOT_FORMAT 22' {} \;
find . -print -exec grep 'PLOT_FORMAT' {} \;
find . -print -exec grep 'PLOT_FORMAT' {} \;
find ./machbook -exec chown 184 {} \;
find . \! -name '*.Z' -exec compress {} \;
find . \! -name "*.Z" -exec compress -f {} \;
find /raid/03c/ecn -xdev -type f -print
find /raid/03c/ecn -xdev -path -type f -print
find / -name .ssh* -print | tee -a ssh-stuff
find . -name "*font*"
find . -name hpmcad*
find . -name *fnt*
find . -name hp_mcad* -print
find . -grep Pld {} \;
find . -exec grep Pld {} \;
find . -exec grep Pld {} \;
find . -exec grep PENWIDTH {} \; | more
find . -name
find . -name
find /raid -type d ".local_sd_customize" -print
find /raid -type d -name ".local_sd_customize" -print
find /raid -type d -name ".local_sd_customize" -ok cp /raid/04d/MCAD-apps/I_Custom/SD_custom/site_sd_customize/user_filer_project_dirs {} \;
find /raid -type d -name ".local_sd_customize" -exec cp /raid/04d/MCAD-apps/I_Custom/SD_custom/site_sd_customize/user_filer_project_dirs {} \;
find . -name xeroxrelease
find . -exec grep xeroxrelease {} \;
find . -name xeroxrelease
find . -name xeroxrelease* -print 2>/dev/null
find . -name "*release*" 2>/dev/null
find / -name "*xerox*" 2>/dev/null
find . -exec grep -i xeroxrelease {} \;
find . -print -exec grep -i xeroxrelease {} \;
find . -print -exec grep -i xeroxrelease {} \; > xeroxrel.lis
find . -exec grep -i xeroxrel {} \;
find . -print -exec grep -i xeroxrel {} \;
find . -print -exec grep -i xeroxrel {} \; | more
find /raid/03c/inwork -xdev -type f -print >> /raid/04d/user_scripts/prt_list.tmp
find . -exec grep '31.53' {} \;
find . -ls -exec grep "31/.53" {} \; > this.lis
find . -print -exec grep "31/.53" {} \; > this.lis
find . -print -exec grep 31.53 {} \; > this.lis
find . -exec grep -i pen {} /;
find . -exec grep -i pen {} \;
find . -print -exec grep -i pen {} \; | more
find . -exec grep -i pen {} \;
find . -atime +6 -exec ll | more \;
find . -atime +6 -exec ll \;
find . -atime +6 -exec ls \;
find . -atime +30 -exec ls \;
find . -atime +30 -exec ls \; | wc -l
find . \! -name '*.Z' -exec compress -f {} \;
find . -name 'cache*' -depth -exec rm {} \;
find . -name 'cache*' -depth -print | tee -a /tmp/cachefiles
find . -name 'cache[0-9][0-9]*' -depth -print | tee -a /tmp/cachefiles
find . -name 'hp_catfile' 'hp_catlock' -depth -print | tee -a /tmp/hp.cats
find . -name 'hp_catfile' -name 'hp_catlock' -depth -print | tee -a /tmp/hp.cats
find . -name 'hp_cat*' -depth -print | tee -a /tmp/hp.cats
find . -name 'hp_cat[fl]*' -depth -print | tee -a /tmp/hp.cats
find /raid -name 'hp_cat[fl]*' -depth -print
find . \! -name '*.Z' -exec compress -f {} \;
find . -name '*' -exec compress -f {} \;
find . -xdev -name "wshp1*" -print
find . -xdev -name "wagoneer*" -print
find . -name "xcmd" -depth -print
find /usr/contrib/src -name "xcmd" -depth -print
find /raid -type d -name ".local_sd_customize" -exec ls {} \; 
find /raid -type d -name ".local_sd_customize" \
   -exec cp /raid/04d/MCAD-apps/I_Custom/SD_custom/site_sd_customize/user_filer_project_dirs {} \;


SD44 Board Meeting – Feb 16, 2016

A few quick comments about last nights meeting:

  • Balancing student safety with board policy, union concerns and privacy issues continues to be a concern. Karen Nordquist continues to press the issue with some support from a few trustees. The BC Student Alliance was in attendance with their comments on the issue. Amanda Nichol spoke to the issue on behalf of NorthVan Pac. Trustee Christie Sacré​ opening remarks included an apology for the issues in the last meeting.
  • Some trustees spoke to a misunderstanding in the community with regard to the Argyle rebuild project. Argyle will be rebuilt, the only question is if we’ll receive all the bells and whistles or a simplified project that still mostly meets our needs. If I remember correctly the difference in cost between the bare-bones rebuild and the bells and whistles rebuild is about $3 million dollars. Funding for this last bit was based on the Braemar sale which fell through recently.
  • Trustees spent a full 45 minutes discussing Trustee Higgins’ proposal. The intent of the proposal was to request staff provide information about possible private funding for last $3 million in the project. A variety of concerns were discussed, and the proposal was eventually shot down on a tie with Trustee Christie Sacré​, Trustee Franci Stratton and Trustee Cyndi Gerlach voting against.
  • Teachers continue to be concerned about cold buildings on Mondays. Apparently the air temperature is comfortable when schools open, however surface temperatures can still frigid. The strategic energy management plan has a goal of reducing power usage by 20% overall and the cold classrooms are a side effect of this effort.
  • Click here to see the meeting playlist on youtube where you can quickly skip to the sections that interest you. You can also watch the embedded video below or click around to scan the playlist.

SD44 Board meeting, Jan 19, 2016



North Shore Safe Routes Advocate

Budget, Banking, Committees, Assignments, BCSTA and BCSPEA.

<< Coming Soon >>

Handsworth Secondary Capital Project

Childcare Major Funding Program

Summer School Program

School Calendar Adjustment

Land Learning and Livability and the Rest

(Includes Argyle update)

Karen Nordquist comments about Reids one week suspension.